BEAVINGTON PENNEY, S.J., WRIGHT, V.P. & RACEY, A. 2005. Sediment production and dispersal on foraminifera-dominated early Tertiary ramps: the Eocene El Garia Formation, Tunisia. Sedimentology 52, 537-269
BEAVINGTON PENNEY, S.J., WRIGHT, V.P. & RACEY, A. 2006.The Middle Eocene Seeb Formation Of Oman: An investigation of acyclicity, stratigraphic completeness, and accumulation rates in shallow marine carbonate settings. Journal Sedimentary Research, 70, 1-25.
BECKETT, D., Ben Brahim, A. & RACEY, A. 2000. A Re-evaluation of the Ypresian, El Garia Formation in the Gulf of Gabes, Offshore Tunisia. ETAP 2000 Conference April 2000, Tunis. Abstract
DAWSON, O. & RACEY, A. 1993. Fusuline - calcareous algal biofacies of the Permian Ratburi Limestone, Saraburi, Central Thailand. Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, 8 (1-4), 49-65, Pergamon Press.
DAWSON, O., RACEY, A. & WHITTAKER, J.E. 1993. The Palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographic significance of Shanita (foraminifera) and associated foraminifera/algae from the Permian of Peninsula Thailand. BIOSEA Symposium Chiang Mai, Thailand, February 1993: Biostratigraphy of Mainland Southeast Asia: Vol II, Facies & Palaeontology, 283-298. Published by University of Chiang Mai.
DAWSON, O., RACEY, A. & WHITTAKER, J.E. 1994. Permian foraminifera and algae from Northeast and Peninsula Thailand. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stratigraphic Correlation of Southeast Asia, Angsuwathana, P., Wongwanich, T., Tansathien, W., Wongsomsak, S and Tulyatid, J., (editors), Department of Mineral Resources, Thailand, 323-332.
POLACHAN, S. & RACEY, A. 1992. Lower Miocene Larger Foraminifera and Petroleum Potential of the Tai Formation, Mergui Group, Andaman Sea. Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, 8 (1-4), 487-496, Pergamon Press .
RACEY, A. 1994. Palaeoenvironmental Significance of Larger Foraminiferal Biofabrics: Implications for Petroleum Exploration. Al-Husseini, M.I. (ed) Selected Middle East Papers from AAPG GEO 94, Bahrain, Vol.2, 793-810.
RACEY, A. 2001. A review of Eocene Nummulite accumulations: structure, formation and reservoir potential. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 24 (1), 79-100.
STOKES, R.B., LOVATT SMITH, P., RACEY, A., BRUNTON, H., DAWSON, O., SWAN, A.H.R., & WHITAKER, M.F. 2012. Some Upper Palaeozoic fossil localities in the Vientiane contract area, Lao PDR and their geological importance. Journal Science and Technology, Maha Sarakham University Thailand, 31, 63-73.
BAILEY, H.W., RACEY, A., HAMPTON, M & GALLAGHER, L. 2000. Sequence Stratigraphy of the Early Eocene Metlaoui Group, Offshore Tunisia. ETAP 2000 Conference, Tunis, April 2000. Abstract
BECKETT, D., Ben Brahim, A. & RACEY, A. 2000. A Re-evaluation of the Ypresian, El Garia Formation in the Gulf of Gabes, Offshore Tunisia. ETAP 2000 Conference April 2000, Tunis. Abstract
CANHAM, A.C., RACEY, A., LOVE, M.A. & POLACHAN, S. 1996: Stratigraphy and Reservoir Potential of the Mesozoic Khorat Group,Northeastern Thailand: Part 2, Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 19 (3), 321-338
DAWSON, O. & RACEY, A. 1993. Fusuline - calcareous algal biofacies of the Permian Ratburi Limestone, Saraburi, Central Thailand. Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, 8 (1-4), 49-65, Pergamon Press.
GOODALL, J.G.S., RACEY, A & HIGHTON, P. 1997. Early Carboniferous (Tournasian) palynomorphs from the Gulf of Thailand. In: Dheeradilok et al (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Stratigraphy and Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific, Vol.I, 56-61.
HAYNES, J.R. & RACEY, A. & WHITTAKER, J.E. 2010. A revision of the Early Palaeogene nummulitids (Foraminifera) from Northern Oman, with implications for their classification. In: WHITTAKER, J.E. & HART, M.B. (eds). Micropaleontology, Sedimentary Environments and Stratigraphy: A Tribute to Dennis Curry (1912-2001). The Micropalaeontological Society Special Publication, 29-89.
HIGHTON, P.J.C., RACEY, A. & WAKEFIELD, M. 1997. Quantitative biostratigraphy: an example from the Neogene of the Gulf of Thailand. In: Dheeradilok et al (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Stratigraphy and Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific, Vol.II, 563-585.
JONES, R.W. & RACEY, A. 1994. : Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Arabian Peninsula and Gulf. Micropalaeontology and Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Middle East (M.D. Simmons, Ed.), 273-307, Chapman & Hall.
LOVE, M.A., RACEY, A., BOBOLECKI, R.M. & WALSH, J.N. 1995. Characterisation and correlation of Carboniferous marine bands from the southern North Sea using inorganic geochemistry. Abstract AAPG, Houston, 1995.
MARSHALL, J.E.A., TROTH, I., BECKER. R.T. & RACEY, A. 2009. Devonian palynological correlations across the Euaramerica-Gondwana interface. In: Fernandez, P., Pereira, Z., Tomas Oliviera, J., Clayton, G & Wicander, R. (eds) CIMP Faro, 23-24th Sepetember 2009, 73-74.
POLACHAN, S. & RACEY, A. 1994: Stratigraphy of the Mergui Basin, Andaman Sea: Implications for Petroleum Exploration. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 17 (4), 373-406.
RACEY, A. 1994. Biostratigraphy and Palaeobiogeographic significance of Tertiary Nummulitids (Foraminifera) from Northern Oman. Micropalaeontology and Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Middle East, (M.D. Simmons, Ed.), 343-370, Chapman & Hall.
RACEY, A. 1995. Lithostratigraphy and larger foraminiferal (nummulitid) biostratigraphy of the Tertiary of Northern Oman. Micropalaeontology, 41, 1-123.
RACEY, A., WALSH, J.N. & LOVE, M.A. 1992. Applications of Chemical Stratigraphy in the Jurassic and Triassic of the UK : Examples from the North Sea and Cheshire Basin. Abstract EAPG, Paris, April 1992.
RACEY, A., GOODALL, J.G.S., LOVE, M.A. & JONES, P.D. 1994. New age data on the Khorat Group of Northeast Thailand. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stratigraphic Correlation of Southeast Asia, Angsuwathana, P., Wongwanich, T., Tansathien, W., Wongsomsak, S and Tulyatid, J., Editors, Department of Mineral Resources, Thailand, 245-252.
RACEY, A., LOVE, M.A., BOBOLECKI, R.M. & WALSH, J.N. 1995. The use of Chemical Element Analyses in the study of Biostratigraphically Barren Sequences: An Example from the Triassic of the Central North Sea (UKCS). Geological Society London Special Publication, 89, Dating and Correlating Biostratigraphically Barren Strata (R.E. Dunay and E.A. Hailwood, Eds.), 69-103.
RACEY, A., LOVE. M.A., CANHAM, A.C., GOODALL, J.G.S. & POLACHAN, S. 1996 . Stratigraphy and Reservoir Potential of the Mesozoic Khorat Group, North Eastern Thailand: Part 1 Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Evolution. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 18 (1), 5-39.
RACEY, A. & GOODALL, J.G.S. 2009. Palynology and Stratigraphy of the Mesozoic Khorat Group Red Bed Sequences from Thailand In BUFFETAUT, E., CUNY, G., LE LOEFF, J. & SUTEETHORN, V. Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic Ecosystems in SE Asia.Geological Society of London Special Publication 315, 41-68.
STOKES, R.B., LOVATT SMITH, P., RACEY, A., BRUNTON, H., DAWSON, O., SWAN, A.H.R., & WHITAKER, M.F. 2012. Some Upper Palaeozoic fossil localities in the Vientiane contract area, Lao PDR and their geological importance. Journal Science and Technology, Maha Sarakham University Thailand, 31, 63-73.
TROTH, I., MARSHALL, J.E.A., RACEY, A., BECKER, R.T. 2010. Devonian sea-level change in Bolivia: A high palaeolatitude biostratigraphical calibration of the global sea-level curve. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology & Palaeoecology, 304, 3-20.
WICANDER, R., CLAYTON, G., MARSHALL, J.E.A., RACEY, A. & TROTH, I. 2009. Late Devonian palynological assemblage from Bolivia and its implications for South American glaciation In: Fernandez, P., Pereira, Z., Tomas Oliviera, J., Clayton, G & Wicander, R. (eds) CIMP Faro, 23-24th Spetember 2009, 91-94.
WICANDER, R., CLAYTON, G., MARSHALL, J.E.A., TROTH, I. & RACEY, A. 2011. Was the latest Devonian glaciation a multiple event ?. New palynological evidence. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology & Palaeoecology 305, 75-83.
ALDERSON, A., BAILEY, N.J.L. & RACEY, A. 1994. Palynology and geochemistry of Mesozoic source rocks from southern Peninsula Thailand: Implications for petroleum exploration. In: Procceedings of the International Symposium on Stratigraphic Correlation of Southeast Asia, Angsuwathana, P., Wongwanich, T., Tansathien, W., Wongsomsak, S and Tulyatid, J., (editors), Department of Mineral Resources, Thailand, 276-281.
BAILEY, H.W., RACEY, A., HAMPTON, M & GALLAGHER, L. 2000. Sequence Stratigraphy of the Early Eocene Metlaoui Group, Offshore Tunisia. ETAP 2000 Conference, Tunis, April 2000. Abstract
CANHAM, A.C., RACEY, A., LOVE, M.A. & POLACHAN, S. 1996: Stratigraphy and Reservoir Potential of the Mesozoic Khorat Group,Northeastern Thailand: Part 2, Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 19 (3), 321-338
COUVES, C., ROBERTS, S., BEST A., RACEY, A. & TROTH, I. 2012. Use of micro X-ray CT analysis for porosity and permeability characterisation of volcanic igneous rocks. In 74th EAGE Conference, Copenhagen, June 2012, 4pp.
COUVES, C. & RACEY, A. 2012. Use of Micro-Focus X-ray computed tomography to visualise and quantify the porosity and permeability of volcanic reservoir rocks. In: 4th Faroe Islands Exploration Conference. Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Faroese Continental Shelf, Nordic House, Torshavn, Faroe Islands, 1st-2nd May 2012.
COUVES, C., ROBERTS, S., BEST A., RACEY, A. & TROTH, I. 2014. The use of field observations and micro-focus X-Ray computed tomography to characterise hydrocarbon reservoir properties and flow architecture in volcanic rocks.. 76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam RAI, The Netherlands, 16-19th June 2014, 4pp
COUVES, C., ROBERTS, S., BEST A., RACEY, A. & TROTH, I. In Review.Quantification of the petrophysical properties of volcanic rocks by X-Ray computed tomography: An example from Tenerife, Canary islands.
IZATT, C., MAINGARM, S. & RACEY, A. 2001 Fault distribution and timing in tthe Central Irish Sea Basin. The Petroleum Exploration of Ireland’s Offshore Basins, Shannon, P.W, Haughton, P.D.W. & Corcoran, D.V. (Eds) Geological Society Special Publication. 188, 155-169.
JONES, R.W. & RACEY, A. 1994. : Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Arabian Peninsula and Gulf. Micropalaeontology and Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Middle East (M.D. Simmons, Ed.), 273-307, Chapman & Hall.
LOVE, M.A., RACEY, A., BOBOLECKI, R.M. & WALSH, J.N. 1995. Characterisation and correlation of Carboniferous marine bands from the southern North Sea using inorganic geochemistry. Abstract AAPG, Houston, 1995.
MARSHALL. J.E.A., RACEY, A., ELLIS, P., WAKEFIELD, M.I. & HETFELD, K. 2002. Application of palynological and maturity studies in a structurally complex terrain: the Devonian of Bolivia. AASP Abstract, London, 2002.
MORLEY, C.K. & RACEY, A. 2011. Chapter 9 Tertiary . In: M.F. Ridd, A.J. Barber and M.A.Crow (eds) Geology of Thailand Geological Society of London Special Publication, 224-271.
POLACHAN, S. & RACEY, A. 1992. Lower Miocene Larger Foraminifera and Petroleum Potential of the Tai Formation, Mergui Group, Andaman Sea. Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, 8 (1-4), 487-496, Pergamon Press .
POLACHAN, S. & RACEY, A. 1994: Stratigraphy of the Mergui Basin, Andaman Sea: Implications for Petroleum Exploration. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 17 (4), 373-406.
QUIRK, D.G., ROY, S., COOKE, S., RACEY, A. & VARLEY, S. 1998. Tectonostratigraphy of the Isle of Man region. . Geology Conference Isle of Man : In sight of the Suture and future hydrocarbon potential of the Irish Sea. p.56.
RACEY, A. 1994. Palaeoenvironmental Significance of Larger Foraminiferal Biofabrics: Implications for Petroleum Exploration. Al-Husseini, M.I. (ed) Selected Middle East Papers from AAPG GEO 94, Bahrain, Vol.2, 793-810.
RACEY, A. 2001. A review of Eocene Nummulite accumulations: structure, formation and reservoir potential. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 24 (1), 79-100.
RACEY, A. 2009. Mesozoic Red Bed Sequences from Southeast Asia and the significance of the Khorat Group of North East Thailand. In BUFFETAUT, E., CUNY, G., LE LOEFF, J. & SUTEETHORN, V. Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic Ecosystems in SE Asia.Geological Society of London Special Publication 315, 41-68.
RACEY, A. 2009. Methodologies for evaluating complex thrust belt stratigraphy. Sonatrach Conference, Hotel Mercure, Algeirs, Algeria, 16-17th December, 2009.
RACEY, A. 2011. Chapter 13. Petroleum Geology. In Geology of Thailand In: M.F. Ridd , A.J. Barber and M.A. Crow (eds) Geology of Thailand. Geological Society of London Special Publication, 251-392.
RACEY, A. 2018. Chapter 12 Exploration History and Petroleum Geology of Offshore Myanmar. In: Geological Belts, Plate Boundaries, and Mineral Deposits of Myanmar, Elsevier, 391-431.
RACEY, A., WALSH, J.N. & LOVE, M.A. 1992. Applications of Chemical Stratigraphy in the Jurassic and Triassic of the UK : Examples from the North Sea and Cheshire Basin. Abstract EAPG, Paris, April 1992.
RACEY, A., LOVE, M.A., BOBOLECKI, R.M. & WALSH, J.N. 1995. The use of Chemical Element Analyses in the study of Biostratigraphically Barren Sequences: An Example from the Triassic of the Central North Sea (UKCS). Geological Society London Special Publication, 89, Dating and Correlating Biostratigraphically Barren Strata (R.E. Dunay and E.A. Hailwood, Eds.), 69-103.
RACEY, A., LOVE. M.A., CANHAM, A.C., GOODALL, J.G.S. & POLACHAN, S. 1996 . Stratigraphy and Reservoir Potential of the Mesozoic Khorat Group, North Eastern Thailand: Part 1 Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Evolution. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 18 (1), 5-39.
RACEY, A., HIGHTON, P.J.C., ALDERSON, A. & POLACHAN, S. 1997. Mesozoic oils and source rocks from Peninsula Thailand. In: Dheeradilok et al (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Stratigraphy and Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific, Vol.II, 511-524.
RACEY, A. LOVE, M.A. & DUDDY.I.R. 1997. Apatite Fission Track Analysis of Mesozoic Red Beds from Northeastern Thailand and Western Laos. In: Dheeradilok et al (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Stratigraphy and Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific, Vol.I, 200-209.
RACEY, A., STOKES, R.B., LOVATT SMITH, P., & LOVE, M.A. 1997. Late Jurassic Collision in Northern Thailand and the significance of the Khorat Group. In: Dheeradilok et al (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Stratigraphy and Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific, Vol.II, 412-413.
RACEY. A., GOODALL, J.G.S. & QUIRK, D. 1999. Palynological and geochemical analysis of Carboniferous samples from the Isle of Man. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 22 (3), 349-362.
RACEY, A., BAILEY, H.W., BECKETT, D., GALLAGHER, L., HAMPTON, M & McQUILKEN, J. 2001. The Petroleum Geology of the Early Eocene El Garia Formation, Hasdrubal Field, Offshore Tunisia. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 24 (1), 29-53.
RACEY, A. & COUVES, C. 2012. Igneous Reservoirs – An Overview. Keynote paper at 4th Faroe Islands Exploration Conference. Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Faroese Continental Shelf, Nordic House, Torshavn, Faroe Islands, 1st-2nd May 2012.
RACEY, A. & RIDD, M.F. 2015. Myanmar Offshore Petroleum Overview. In: RACEY, A & RIDD, M.F. Petroleum Geology of Myanmar, Geological Society of London Memoir, 45.
RACEY, A. & RIDD, M.F. 2015. Myanmar Offshore Petroleum Overview. In: RACEY, A & RIDD, M.F. Petroleum Geology of Myanmar, Geological Society of London Memoir, 45.
RACEY, A. & RIDD, M.F. 2015. Petroleum Geology of the Moattama Region, Offshore Myanmar. In: RACEY, A & RIDD, M.F. Petroleum Geology of Myanmar, Geological Society of London Memoir, 45.
RACEY, A. & RIDD, M.F. 2015.Petroleum Geology of the Tanintharyi Region Offshore Myanmar. In: RACEY, A & RIDD, M.F. Petroleum Geology of Myanmar, Geological Society of London Memoir 45.
RACEY, A. & RIDD, M.F. 2015.Petroleum Geology of the Rakhine Region, Offshore Myanmar. In: RACEY, A & RIDD, M.F. Petroleum Geology of Myanmar, Geological Society of London Memoir, 45.
RACEY, A. & RIDD, M.F. 2015.Petroleum Geology of the basins adjoining Myanmar in Bangladesh, India and Thailand., Offshore Myanmar. In: RACEY, A & RIDD, M.F. Petroleum Geology of Myanmar, Geological Society of London Memoir, 45.
RACEY, A. & RIDD, M.F. 2015.Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources, Onshore Myanmar. In: RACEY, A & RIDD, M.F. Petroleum Geology of Myanmar, Geological Society of London Memoir, 45.
RACEY, A., FISHER, J. & BAILEY, H.W. 2016. The value of fieldwork in making connections between onshore outcrops and offshore models: an example from India. In: BOWMAN, M. The Value of Outcrop Studies in Reducing Subsurface Uncertainty and Risk in Hydrocarbon Exploration, Development and Production. Geological Society London Special Publication.
RIDD, M.F. & RACEY, A. 2015. Introduction to the Petroleum Geology of Myanmar.. In: RACEY, A & RIDD, M.F. Petroleum Geology of Myanmar, Geological Society of London Memoir, 45.
RIDD, M.F. & RACEY, A. 2015. Regional Tectonic Setting of Myanmar’s Petroleum Basins. In: RACEY, A & RIDD, M.F. Petroleum Geology of Myanmar, Geological Society of London Memoir, 45.
RIDD, M.F. & RACEY, A. 2015. Historical Background to Myanmars’ Petroleum Industry. In: RACEY, A & RIDD, M.F. Petroleum Geology of Myanmar, Geological Society of London Memoir, 45.
RIDD, M.F. & RACEY, A. 2015.Onshore Petroleum Geology of Myanmar: Central Burma Depression. In: RACEY, A & RIDD, M.F. Petroleum Geology of Myanmar, Geological Society of London Memoir, 45.
RIDD, M.F. & RACEY, A. 2015. Frontier Onshore Petroleum Basins of Myanmar. In: RACEY, A & RIDD, M.F. Petroleum Geology of Myanmar, Geological Society of London Memoir, 45.
SEEDHOUSE, J.K. & RACEY, A. 1997. Sealing capacity of the Mercia Mudstone Group in the East Irish Sea Basin- Implications for Petroleum Exploration. Journal Petroleum Geology, 20 (3), 261-286.
WRIGHT, V.P. & RACEY, A. 2009. Pre-salt microbial carbonate reservoirs of the Santos Basin Offshore Brazil. AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, June 7-10th 2009.
ADAMS, C.G. & RACEY, A. 1992. The occurrence and palaeobiogeographical significance of Yaberinella (foraminiferida) in the Middle East. Palaeontology, 35 (1) 237-245.
BEAVINGTON PENNEY, S. J. & RACEY, A., 2004. Ecology of extant nummulitids and other larger benthic foraminifera; applications in palaeoenvironmental analysis. Earth Science Reviews, 67 p.219-265.
DAWSON, O. & RACEY, A. 1993. Fusuline - calcareous algal biofacies of the Permian Ratburi Limestone, Saraburi, Central Thailand. Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, 8 (1-4), 49-65, Pergamon Press.
DAWSON, O., RACEY, A. & WHITTAKER, J.E. 1993. The Palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographic significance of Shanita (foraminifera) and associated foraminifera/algae from the Permian of Peninsula Thailand. BIOSEA Symposium Chiang Mai, Thailand, February 1993: Biostratigraphy of Mainland Southeast Asia: Vol II, Facies & Palaeontology, 283-298. Published by University of Chiang Mai.
DAWSON, O., RACEY, A. & WHITTAKER, J.E. 1994. Permian foraminifera and algae from Northeast and Peninsula Thailand. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stratigraphic Correlation of Southeast Asia, Angsuwathana, P., Wongwanich, T., Tansathien, W., Wongsomsak, S and Tulyatid, J., (editors), Department of Mineral Resources, Thailand, 323-332.
GOODALL, J.G.S., RACEY, A & HIGHTON, P. 1997. Early Carboniferous (Tournasian) palynomorphs from the Gulf of Thailand. In: Dheeradilok et al (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Stratigraphy and Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific, Vol.I, 56-61.
HAYNES, J.R. & RACEY, A. & WHITTAKER, J.E. 2010. A revision of the Early Palaeogene nummulitids (Foraminifera) from Northern Oman, with implications for their classification. In: WHITTAKER, J.E. & HART, M.B. (eds). Micropaleontology, Sedimentary Environments and Stratigraphy: A Tribute to Dennis Curry (1912-2001). The Micropalaeontological Society Special Publication, 29-89.
KEEN, M.C. & RACEY, A. 1992. Lower Eocene ostracods from the Rusayl Shale Formation of Oman. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 10 (2), 227-233.
POLACHAN, S. & RACEY, A. 1992. Lower Miocene Larger Foraminifera and Petroleum Potential of the Tai Formation, Mergui Group, Andaman Sea. Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, 8 (1-4), 487-496, Pergamon Press .
RACEY, A. 1992. New nummulite (Foraminiferida) species from the Eocene of Northern Oman. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 11, 189-195.
RACEY, A. 1992. The relative taxonomic value of morphological characters in the genus Nummulites (Foraminiferida). Journal of Micropalaeontology, 11, 199-209.
RACEY, A., SMITH, A.B. & DAWSON, O. 1994. Permian echinoderms from Peninsula Thailand. In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stratigraphic Correlation of Southeast Asia, Angsuwathana, P., Wongwanich, T., Tansathien, W., Wongsomsak, S. and Tulyatid, J., Editors, Department of Mineral Resources, Thailand, 106-114.
RACEY, A. & BEAVINGTON-PENNEY, S.J. 2005 Evolutionary trends in Palaeogene larger foraminifera: fact or fiction. In: Lyell Meeting, Geological Society of London meeting on Applied Phylogenies, February 9th 2005.
RACEY, A. & GOODALL, J.G.S. 2009. Palynology and Stratigraphy of the Mesozoic Khorat Group Red Bed Sequences from Thailand In BUFFETAUT, E., CUNY, G., LE LOEFF, J. & SUTEETHORN, V. Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic Ecosystems in SE Asia.Geological Society of London Special Publication 315, 41-68.
RENEMA, W. RACEY, A. & LUNT, P.2002. Palaeogene nummulitid foraminifera from the Indonesia Archipelago: a review. Cainozoic Research, 2, 23-78.
SMITH, A.B., SIMMONS, M.D. & RACEY, A. 1990. Cenomanian echinoids, larger foraminifera and calcareous algae from the Natih Formation, Northern Oman. Cretaceous Research, 11 (1), 29-70.
STOKES, R.B., LOVATT SMITH, P., RACEY, A., BRUNTON, H., DAWSON, O., SWAN, A.H.R., & WHITAKER, M.F. 2012. Some Upper Palaeozoic fossil localities in the Vientiane contract area, Lao PDR and their geological importance. Journal Science and Technology, Maha Sarakham University Thailand, 31, 63-73.
WICANDER, R., CLAYTON, G., MARSHALL, J.E.A., RACEY, A. & TROTH, I. 2009. Late Devonian palynological assemblage from Bolivia and its implications for South American glaciation In: Fernandez, P., Pereira, Z., Tomas Oliviera, J., Clayton, G & Wicander, R. (eds) CIMP Faro, 23-24th Spetember 2009, 91-94.
Volcanic Reservoirs
COUVES, C., ROBERTS, S., BEST A., RACEY, A. & TROTH, I. 2012. Use of micro X-ray CT analysis for porosity and permeability characterisation of volcanic igneous rocks. In 74th EAGE Conference, Copenhagen, June 2012, 4pp.
COUVES, C. & RACEY, A. 2012. Use of Micro-Focus X-ray computed tomography to visualise and quantify the porosity and permeability of volcanic reservoir rocks. In: 4th Faroe Islands Exploration Conference. Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Faroese Continental Shelf, Nordic House, Torshavn, Faroe Islands, 1st-2nd May 2012.
COUVES, C., ROBERTS, S., BEST A., RACEY, A. & TROTH, I. 2014. The use of field observations and micro-focus X-Ray computed tomography to characterise hydrocarbon reservoir properties and flow architecture in volcanic rocks.. 76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam RAI, The Netherlands, 16-19th June 2014, 4pp
COUVES, C., ROBERTS, S., BEST A., RACEY, A. & TROTH, I. 2016. Use of X-Ray computed tomography to quantift the petrophysical properties of volcanic rocks: a case study from Tenerife, Canary islands. Journal Petroleum Geology, 39, 79-94.
RACEY, A. & COUVES, C. 2012. Igneous Reservoirs – An Overview. Keynote paper at 4th Faroe Islands Exploration Conference. Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Faroese Continental Shelf, Nordic House, Torshavn, Faroe Islands, 1st-2nd May 2012.
RACEY, A. In Press. A review of the Neogene extrusive volcanic reservoir rocks in the Niigata and Akita Basins of Japan. Journal Petroleum Geology.